Absence From School

Being a part of the school

Parents wishing to take children out of school during term time are asked to give written notification of their intent to the Head via the class teacher. This practice, however, is not encouraged on educational grounds as resultant loss of learning can cause the pupils to fall behind in their school work.

Where children will be absent due to illness please notify the school by 7.45 am on that day and follow with a note to the teacher upon return. When a child is absent with illness for three or more days a medical certificate should be provided.

Sick children, particularly those with communicable diseases (such as measles), must not be brought to school. When a child is taken ill at school parents will be contacted. An emergency ambulance service is contracted to the school. To avoid unnecessary problems please ensure that your contact details are recorded correctly and are up-to-date in the school office.

Please make medical and dental appointments for your children out of lesson hours whenever possible.

If a child is to be withdrawn from class during lessons, to visit the doctor for instance, please notify the teacher in writing beforehand.

If you wish your child to be excused from sport please provide a medical certificate or a written explanatory statement.

If a child is to be collected by anyone other than a family member or guardian, please either personally notify the school beforehand or send a note of authorization with that person. As a principle, we do not knowingly release children to persons unknown to us.

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Carmel School
November 2018
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